Let's Make Trading Great Again!

People traded goods with gold because they knew it was rare. Now, fiat money is like fake money, with its supply changing based on the whims of politicians.



Telegram Channel

Status: Completed

Twitter (X) Launch

Status: Completed


Status: Completed


Status: Completed

Cartoon Series Episode 1

Status: Upcoming

Cartoon Series More Episodes

Status: Upcoming

50 TG Members

Status: Upcoming

100 TG Members

Status: Upcoming

250 TG Members

Status: Upcoming

Launch on GasPump

Status: Upcoming

Dev Tokens Lock

Status: Upcoming


Status: Upcoming

Go DeDust

Status: Upcoming

Grow Community

Status: Upcoming

Utility Surprise

Status: Upcoming

Dev Tokenomics

50% Tokens Locked for 1 Year

A poll after 1 year will decide what to do as a community.

10% Tokens Locked for 6 Months

A poll after 6 months will decide the next steps.

10% Tokens Locked for 3 Months

A poll after 3 months will decide the next steps.

10% Tokens Locked for 2 Months

2% for Dev, 8% for Marketing.

10% Tokens Locked for 1 Month

A poll after 1 month will decide what to do next.

3% Tokens Locked for 2 Weeks

Pay the animator for more episodes of the cartoon.

3% Tokens Locked for 1 Week

Pay for more calls and trending promotion.

4% Tokens Stay Unlocked

Sell at a 10k market cap to fund marketing.

Be Part of Something Big

Join us as we revolutionize the way we think about trading and currency!

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